Client Tracker with Sitecore DMS


In my previous blog post, Track a visitors coordinates in the Sitecore DMS, I was asked if I could move it into a Sitecore package and release it on the Sitecore Marketplace.

I managed to transform the blog post to a Sitecore module and released it on Sitecore Marketplace – CLIENT TRACKER

What does it do?
Well the main idea was to track visitors/users location(using HTML5 Geolocation API) and store it in the Sitecore DMS but It can also be used to track events/goals.

I will continue working with the module – Soon there will be support for enrolling and moving visitors between States in the Engagement Automation Plans.

How to use it?
Install the package(It contains only files)

The package will put TrackerHandler.ashx, ClientEventTracker.js and PageScriptSample.js in the root. I strongly suggest that you move the files to proper folders. PageScriptSample.js is just a sample.

Add the ClientEventTracker.js to the page/s where you want to do the client tracking.

To send the client data you will use a Json dictionary, which supports following parameters:
Coordinates (Track current user/visitor location)
PageEventId (Track event/goal)
PageUrl (The url/page where the event/goal is fired)

It’s important that you name the dictionary to requestParamAndValues. Don’t forget to add the path to the handler, TrackerHandler.ashx.

var pathToHandler = "/CustomHandlers/TrackerHandler.ashx";
var requestParamAndValues = {};
requestParamAndValues["PageEventId"] ="goal");
requestParamAndValues["PageUrl"] ="pageurl");

var jsonObject = {};
jsonObject["requestParamAndValues"] = requestParamAndValues;

var analyticsEvent = new AnalyticsPageEvent(jsonObject, pathToHandler);

Ok, let’s try it then. In following example we want to track if a user/visitor has closed an “alert box” and get the geolocation of the visitor.

First we create the event/goal in Sitecore.

Next we proceed to the widget containing the alert box. The data-goal attribute contains the item id for the “Closed Alert box” event and the data-pageurl holds the path to actual page(in order for the tracker to find the correct page row).

<div class="alert alert-info fade in" 
        data-pageurl="<%= HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.PathAndQuery %>"
        data-goal=" <%# Sandbox.Alert.Constants.Analytics.Goals.CloseAlertBox %> ">
        <button type="button" class="close" id="closeAlert" data-dismiss="alert">×</button>
        <asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" Visible="<%# !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.GetDataSourceOrContextItem().GetString(Sandbox.Spots.Constants.Fields.Alert.AlertHeader)) || Sitecore.Context.PageMode.IsPageEditorEditing %>">
                <sc:Text runat="server" DataSource="<%# this.GetDataSourceOrContextItem().ID %>" Field="<%# Sandbox.Spots.Constants.Fields.Alert.AlertHeader%>" />

        <sc:Text runat="server" DataSource="<%# this.GetDataSourceOrContextItem().ID %>" Field="<%# Sandbox.Spots.Constants.Fields.Alert.AlertText%>" />

Finally we add the custom/sample javascript for the page.

var SharedSource = SharedSource || {};

jQuery(document).ready(function () {

SharedSource.ClientTracker = {
    DomReady: function() {


       jQuery("#closeAlert").click(function () {




    Init: function(trackUser) {

        window.pathToHandler = "/CustomHandlers/TrackerHandler.ashx";

        if (navigator)
            navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(geoSuccess, geoError);

        function geoSuccess(p) {

            window.coordinates = p.coords;

            if (trackUser) {


        function geoError(error) {
            var message = "";
            switch (error.code) {
            case error.PERMISSION_DENIED:
                message = "This website does not have permission to use " + "the Geolocation API";
            case error.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE:
                message = "The current position could not be determined.";
            case error.PERMISSION_DENIED_TIMEOUT:
                message = "The current position could not be determined " + "within the specified timeout period.";

            if (message == "") {
                var strErrorCode = error.code.toString();
                message = "The position could not be determined due to " + "an unknown error (Code: " + strErrorCode + ").";


    TrackUserLocation: function() {

        if (!window.coordinates)

        var requestParamAndValues = {};
        requestParamAndValues["Coordinates"] = SharedSource.ClientTracker.StringFormat("{0},{1}", window.coordinates.latitude, window.coordinates.longitude, '1');

        var jsonObject = {};
        jsonObject["requestParamAndValues"] = requestParamAndValues;

        var analyticsEvent = new AnalyticsPageEvent(jsonObject, window.pathToHandler);

    StringFormat: function () {
        var s = arguments[0];
        for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) {
            var reg = new RegExp("\\{" + i + "\\}", "gm");
            s = s.replace(reg, arguments[i + 1]);
        return s;

    Logging: function (message) {
        if (typeof console == "object") {

    TrackPageEvent: function() {

        var dataContainer = jQuery(".alert alert-info fade in");

        var requestParamAndValues = {};
        requestParamAndValues["PageEventId"] ="goal");
        requestParamAndValues["PageUrl"] ="pageurl");

        if (window.coordinates)
            requestParamAndValues["Coordinates"] = SharedSource.ClientTracker.StringFormat("{0},{1}", window.coordinates.latitude, window.coordinates.longitude, '1');

        var jsonObject = {};
        jsonObject["requestParamAndValues"] = requestParamAndValues;

        var analyticsEvent = new AnalyticsPageEvent(jsonObject,  window.pathToHandler);


That’s it – The event and the visitors current location will now be registered in the Sitecore DMS.

If you have questions, improvements, finding bugs – Please let me know.

That’s all for now folks 🙂

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