Update solrconfig.xml and/or managed-schema on the fly in your running SolrCloud instance on Kubernetes

Friends, Sitecorians, world citizens, lend me your ears. What excellent stuff Microsoft has to offer. Did you guys watch the Microsoft Build 2022? If not, check out the videos on youtube NGINX is coming to Azure.This is great.https://www.nginx.com/blog/introducing-f5-nginx-for-azure-load-balancing-available-natively-as-saas-offering-on-microsoft-azure/ DAPR, DAPR, DAPR. The sidecar pattern, and it’s not only for Kubernetes. Meaning you can take advantage … More Update solrconfig.xml and/or managed-schema on the fly in your running SolrCloud instance on Kubernetes

Setup SolrCloud for Sitecore 10 in Kubernetes

Dear fellow Sitecore developers, I hope you are well out there ๐Ÿ™‚ What a month November was/is! Sitecore released 10.2 and Microsoft released .Net 6 and VisualStudio 2022 – Pure joy for all .Net developers! What I really like about the Sitecore 10.2 release is that Horizon now supports Sitecore JSS or as it is … More Setup SolrCloud for Sitecore 10 in Kubernetes

Make your Sitecore Habitat/Helix solution run with Solr

Hello happy people, I hope you are enjoying the summer ๐Ÿ™‚ Habitat is great and it’s always a joy to work with it. Again a big applaud to the team behind Habitat and Helix concept, great job guys!! If you are new to Habitat, check these links and be amazed ๐Ÿ™‚ Sitecore Helix Documentation Sitecore … More Make your Sitecore Habitat/Helix solution run with Solr